Sales Training Service

Startup Costs: $50,000 - $100,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Are you a sales professional who is recognized as a top producer in your industry? If so, in addition to your six-figure yearly commission earnings, you can add another $100,000 simply by training other sales professionals to also become perennial top sales producers. The sales training can be taught at the client's site or in a home based classroom atmosphere. The course curriculum can be developed by amassing your sales experience, techniques, trade secrets and methodology into a study guide. Gaining clients for the classes can be as easy as creating a marketing package. This promotional package should describe the sales training program, highlight your own personal sales achievements, and explain the benefits and value that this type of focused and specialized coaching can have in terms of turning sales order takers into sales order makers. The marketing presentation can be presented to business owners and corporations that rely on a direct sales team to drive business revenues and profits.

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